A few things to understand

You are a pastor sent out by your church body.

Like all pastors, you will perform ceremonies, offer counseling and conduct various other activities common to all who are commissioned as ministers. You carry unique privileges and responsibilities as a tangible reminder of the holy. As a result, we require that all of our chaplains and applicants be recommended to us by a church or denomination that is a member of the Evangelical Chaplains Commission.

You must be endorsed for service.

Chaplaincy is a unique and specialized vocational ministry in which credentialed religious ministry professionals (RMP) represent their religious organizations in various institutional settings. To serve as a chaplain in most institutional settings one must have ecclesiastical endorsement from his/her religious organization or faith group. An endorsement is an ongoing relationship that lasts the duration of a chaplain’s service and beyond. Our strict standards and detailed endorsement process enable us to provide quality chaplains for service in a variety of environments throughout our country and world. If your church or denomination would like the Evangelical Chaplains Commission to endorse your chaplains, join us as a ECC member. We would count it a privilege to partner with you in this way. Learn More.

The Steps to Becoming a Chaplain

1. Qualifications for Endorsement

Military Chaplaincy (Active Duty)

  1. Be a U.S. citizen.
  2. Have an undergraduate degree (120 semester units) from an accredited educational institution of higher learning recognized by DOD.
  3. Have a graduate degree (normally M.Div.) (minimum of 72 hours) in a degree granting program from an educational institution accredited by the Association of Theological Schools.
  4. Have two years Pastoral Ministry Experience (PME) after seminary.
  5. Be credentialed by ordination.
  6. Apply for chaplaincy at a local recruiting office.
  7. Affirm in writing, acceptance of and willingness to adhere to the Code of Ethics-NCMAF adopted by the National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces and agreed to by the Military Departments’ Chiefs of Chaplains.
  8. Be at the appropriate age for specific service branch and component.
  9. Pass physical requirements and medical examination by the armed forces.
  10. Be a member in good standing in a NAE Chaplains Commission denomination or church and have affirmation by that church of the individual’s call to chaplaincy ministry.
  11. Affirm agreement with NAE Statement of Faith.
  12. Be appropriately credentialed.
  13. Have appropriate Pastoral Ministry Experience after seminary.
  14. Possess the ability to minister in a pluralistic setting.
  15. Be willing to facilitate, coordinate and provide religious programs for individuals of all faith groups.
  16. Receive a favorable National Agency Check (criminal and credit check).

Military Chaplaincy (Reserve/National Guard)

  1. Be a U.S. citizen.
  2. Have an undergraduate degree (120 semester units) from an accredited educational institution of higher learning recognized by DOD.
  3. Have a graduate degree (normally M.Div.) (minimum of 72 hours) in a degree granting program from an educational institution accredited by the Association of Theological Schools.
  4. Have two years Pastoral Ministry Experience after seminary.
  5. Be credentialed by ordination.
  6. Apply for chaplaincy at a local recruiting office.
  7. Affirm in writing, acceptance of and willingness to adhere to the Code of Ethics-NCMAF adopted by the National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces and agreed to by the Military Departments’ Chiefs of Chaplains.
  8. Be a member in good standing in a NAE Chaplains Commission denomination or church and have affirmation by that church of the individual’s call to chaplaincy ministry.
  9. Affirm agreement with NAE Statement of Faith.
  10. Make application to the NAE Chaplains Commission office, sign and submit all required documents.
  11. Be appropriately credentialed.
  12. Have appropriate Pastoral Ministry Experience after seminary.
  13. Possess the ability to minister in a pluralistic setting.
  14. Be willing to facilitate, coordinate and provide religious programs for individuals of all faith groups.
  15. Receive a favorable National Agency Check (criminal and credit check).

Veterans Administration Chaplaincy

  1. Be a U.S. citizen.
  2. Have an undergraduate degree of 120 semester hours from an accredited institution of higher learning accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
  3. Have an M.Div. degree (minimum of 72 hours) or its equivalent educational qualifications in a degree granting program from an educational institution accredited by the Association of Theological Schools.
  4. Have two years PME after seminary in a NAE church.
  5. Be credentialed by ordination.
  6. Have at least two units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) (this normally includes 800 hours of supervised ministry in a formal training program).
  7. Be a member in good standing in a NAE Chaplains Commission denomination or church and have affirmation by that church of the individual’s call to chaplaincy ministry.
  8. Affirm agreement with NAE Statement of Faith.
  9. Make application to the NAE Chaplains Commission office, sign and submit all required documents.
  10. Have appropriate Pastoral Ministry Experience after seminary.
  11. Possess the ability to minister in a pluralistic setting.
  12. Be willing to facilitate, coordinate and provide religious programs for individuals of all faith groups.
  13. Receive a favorable National Agency Check (criminal and credit check).

Bureau of Prisons (Department of Justice) Chaplaincy

  1. Pass a pre-employment physical examination.
  2. Have a bachelor’s degree.
  3. Possess an M.Div. degree consisting of 80 hours of graduate study from an educational institution accredited by the Association of Theological Schools.
  4. Complete two years of pastoral/spiritual experience in a congregational or specialized ministry setting after formal graduate education. One year of CPE (Clinical Pastoral Experience) may satisfy up to one year of this requirement.
  5. Be a member in good standing in a NAE Chaplains Commission denomination or church and have affirmation by that church of the individual’s call to chaplaincy ministry.
  6. Affirm agreement with NAE Statement of Faith.
  7. Make application to the NAE Chaplains Commission office, sign and submit all required documents.
  8. Be appropriately credentialed.
  9. Have 2 years Pastoral Ministry Experience (PME) after seminary.
  10. Possess the ability to minister in a pluralistic setting.
  11. Be willing to facilitate, coordinate and provide religious programs for individuals of all faith groups.
  12. Receive a favorable National Agency Check (criminal and credit check).

For more detailed information click HERE.

Institutional Chaplaincy (Hospitals, Hospices, Law Enforcement, etc.)

  1. Have an M.Div. degree or its equivalent in a seminary program for institutional chaplaincy.
  2. Have at least one year Pastoral Ministry Experience (PME) after seminary having performed those functions normally associated with institutional chaplaincy.
  3. Be credentialed by licensure at a minimum and preferably by ordination, commissioning or consecration.
  4. Affirm acceptance of and willingness to adhere to the Code of Ethics-APC adopted by the Association of Professional Chaplains.
  5. Be a member in good standing in a NAE Chaplains Commission denomination or church and have affirmation by that church of the individual’s call to chaplaincy ministry.
  6. Affirm agreement with NAE Statement of Faith.
  7. Possess the ability to minister in a pluralistic setting.
  8. Be willing to facilitate, coordinate and provide religious programs for individuals of all faith groups.
  9. Receive a favorable National Agency Check (criminal and credit check).

Chaplain Candidate Program (For Graduate Theological Education Students)

Each branch of the military services (Army, Navy and Air Force) has a program for students enrolled in graduate theological education called the Chaplain Candidate program.

Chaplain candidate programs exist for the purpose of familiarizing seminary students with religious support activities and experiences in the military environment. These programs are a means of evaluating the candidate for a commission as a chaplain. Chaplain candidates serve as commissioned officers in the Reserve components of the Military Departments, but they are not chaplains nor authorized to serve as, or function in place of, chaplains.

This program is also a time of discovery for the seminarian. It affords participants the opportunity to experience on-the-job training in the various facets of chaplaincy under the supervision of chaplains. As a participant in the program, the candidate should be able to discern whether to pursue chaplaincy as a profession or career.

Chaplain candidates need to understand that acquiring and fulfilling the professional ministerial experience for endorsement usually follows the completion of one’s graduate educational requirements. Also, normally the next step is to access or supersede to the Reserves or National Guard and not directly to active duty.

Chaplain candidates need to understand that there is no obligation or guarantee on the part of the NAE and the military services to endorse, access or supersede them as a chaplain to the Reserve Component, National Guard or active duty.

The requirements for this program are:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen.
  2. Have an undergraduate degree of 120 semester hours from an accredited institution of higher learning.
  3. Be enrolled full-time in a graduate program of religious studies at an institution of higher education accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. Applicants for this program should have at least one year of seminary education remaining.
  4. Apply to the military branch of interest.
  5. Pass the physical requirements and examination by the Armed Forces.
  6. Affirm acceptance of and willingness to adhere to the Code of Ethics-NCMAF adopted by the National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces and agreed to by the Military Departments’ Chiefs of Chaplains.
  7. Be able to complete educational, ecclesiastical, and professional experience requirements for appointment as a chaplain prior to reaching the age limitation established by the Military Department to which the applicant is applying.
  8. Be a member in good standing in a NAE Chaplains Commission denomination or church and have affirmation by that church of the individual’s call to chaplaincy ministry.
  9. Affirm agreement with NAE Statement of Faith.
  10. Be appropriately credentialed.
  11. Possess the ability to minister in a pluralistic setting.
  12. Be willing to facilitate, coordinate and provide religious programs for individuals of all faith groups.
  13. Receive a favorable National Agency Check (criminal and credit check).

2. Application (+fee)

If you have reviewed the qualifications and believe you are qualified to serve, we welcome your application to be endorsed by the Evangelical Chaplains Commission.

3. Interview with ECC Staff

After you submit your application, we will contact you to set up a time to interview. We look forward to getting to know you and hearing your heart for ministry.

4. Start serving!

While your particular mission field is unique, you are not alone. The Evangelical Chaplains Commission is here to connect you with other chaplains and support you in your ministry. As an ECC chaplain, you have access to the Chaplains Resource Center — full of resources created by and for chaplains. You will also connect with other chaplains at our annual Chaplains Training Workshop. And, we provide personalized support by phone, video conference, and in person visits when possible.