As an extension of the ministry of the Evangelical Board of Certified Chaplains (EBCC), additional chaplain certifications are being provided for chaplains who may not meet nor need all the requirements for a board certified chaplain.

The Evangelical Board of Certified Chaplains (EBCC) is also offering two advanced clinical specialty certifications for those who are already board certified chaplains.

The additional chaplain certifications and advanced clinical specialty certifications are open to anyone who aligns with the Statement of Faith of the National Association of Evangelicals and meets the required qualifications and competencies for a specific certification.

Additional Certifications

CAC - Certified Associate Chaplain (Associate Degree, or 5 Years Pastoral Experience, and No CPE)

Steps to be a Certified Associate Chaplain

Please complete the Certified Associate Chaplain application that requests the following items:

  1. Enter contact information.
  2. Upload associate degree or letter confirming five years pastoral experience.
  3. Upload faith group or local church endorsement Letter.
  4. Upload responses to the three Evangelical Competencies questions below on this fillable form.
  • EPC1: Express how your evangelical values guide you in providing pastoral care.
  • EPC2: Share specific biblical references that guide your chaplain care.
  • EPC3: Discuss how you offer biblical guidance for those seeking answers and understanding.

5. Enter payment information for $75 application fee and then recurring annual payments of $75.

CC - Certified Chaplain (Bachelor's Degree, and No CPE)

Steps to be a Certified Chaplain

Please complete the Certified Chaplain application that requests the following items:

  1. Enter contact information.
  2. Upload bachelor’s degree.
  3. Upload faith group or local church endorsement letter.
  4. Upload responses to the three Evangelical Competencies questions below on this fillable form.

EPC1: Express how your evangelical values guide you in providing pastoral care.

EPC2: Share specific biblical references that guide your chaplain care.

EPC3: Discuss how you offer biblical guidance for those seeking answers and understanding.

5. Enter payment information for $75 application fee and then recurring annual payments of $75.

CCC - Certified Clinical Chaplain (Masters Degree under 72 hours, and minimally 2 units CPE)

Steps to be a Certified Clinical Chaplain

Please complete the Certified Clinical Chaplain application that requests the following items:

  1. Enter contact information.
  2. Upload master’s degree.
  3. Upload evidence of two units of CPE.
  4. Upload faith Group or local church endorsement letter.
  5. Upload responses to the three Evangelical Competencies questions below on this fillable form.
  • EPC1: Express how your evangelical values guide you in providing pastoral care.
  • EPC2: Share specific biblical references that guide your chaplain care.
  • EPC3: Discuss how you offer biblical guidance for those seeking answers and understanding.

6. Enter payment information for $75 application fee and then recurring annual payments of $75.

EOL-CSC - End-of-Life Clinical Specialty Certification - BCC requirements plus additional training in end-of-life issues

Steps for End-of-Life Clinical Specialty Certification

Please complete the End-of-Life Clinical Specialty Certification application that requests the following items:

  1. Enter contact information.
  2. Upload a copy of Board-Certified Chaplain Certificate.
  3. Upload document showing minimally 400 hours of continuing education training in end-of-life issues.
  4. Upload faith group endorsement letter.
  5. Enter payment information for $75 application fee and then recurring annual payments of $100. (This $100 is in addition to your annual BCC payment.)

MH-CSC - Mental Health Clinical Specialty Certification - BCC requirements plus additional training in mental health issues

Steps for Mental Health Clinical Specialty Certification

Please complete the Mental Health Clinical Specialty Certification application that requests the following items:

  1. Enter contact information.
  2. Upload a copy of Board-Certified Chaplain Certificate.
  3. Upload document showing minimally 400 hours of continuing education training in mental health issues.
  4. Upload faith group endorsement letter.
  5. Enter payment information for $75 application fee and then recurring annual payments of $100. (This $100 is in addition to your annual BCC payment.)